ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences
- MSF 2023 6th International Conference on Multi-scale Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, June 25-27,
- MSF 2021 5th International Conference on Multiscale Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids, June, 30 – July 02, 2021, Split, Croatia
- MSF 2019 4th International Conference on Multi-scale Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, September 18-20, 2019
- AMWPS 2018 2nd International Conference on Advanced Modelling of Wave Propagation in Solids, September 17-21 2018, Prague, Czech Republic
- AM 2018 20th International Conference Applied Mechanics 2018, April 9–11, 2018, Myslovice, Czech Republic [AM 2018]
- MSF 2017 3rd International Conference on Multiscale Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids, September, 20-22, 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia [MSF 2017]
- ECCOMAS MSF 2017 short course; The course runs September 17-19, 2017, in Ljubljana, Slovenia [SC 2017] just before the conference ECCOMAS MSF 2017.
- Young Investigators Minisymposium that will take place within the ECCOMAS Congress which will be held on the island of Crete, Greece, 5-10 June, 2016. [EYIC-MS]
- MBD 2013 Multibody Dynamics 2013 Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, July 1-4, 2013
- CMAS 2009 International Conference on Computational Modelling and Advanced Simulations, Bratislava, Slovakia, June 30-July 3, 2009
International Congresses
- ICCSM 2022 10th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Mechanics, Pula, Croatia, September 28-30, 2022
- ICCSM 2018 9th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Mechanics, Split, Croatia, September 18 – 22, 2018 [Minisymposia]
Two minisyposia will take place during to CSM congress: “Mathematical and mechanical aspects of modern discretization metods”, organized by prof. Wriggers and prof Schroeder; “Wind energy system and structures”, organized by prof. Borri and prof. Baniotopoulos - ICCSM 2015 8th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Mechanics, Opatija, Croatia, September 29 – October 2, 2015 [First Call]
- CM 2014 30th Conference Computational Mechanics 2014, Železná Ruda – Špičák, Czech Republic, November 3-5, 2014 [First Announcement]
- EAN 2014 52nd Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis, Mariánské Lázně, Czech Republic, June 2-5, 2014
- ICCSM 2012 7th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Mechanics, Zadar, Croatia, May 22-25, 2012
- ICCSM 2009 6th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Mechanics, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 30-October 2, 2009
Other Meetings
- EUROMECH Conferences
Prepared conferences
Any information about prepared Events (confrences, seminars, meetings etc.) send please to President of CEACM.